Single with no friends. What can I do on a Fri/Sat night to meet people?

Single with no friends. What can I do on a Fri/Sat night to meet people?

I am 25 year old male, lives alone, works afternoons (Gets off at 12:30pm) but has Friday/Saturday off. I don't know many people to do things with, and have always kept to myself. I know I can interact with others it just usually takes me a moment or for them to initiate it. I want to improve things but I literally don't know what to do. I need a little push in the way of understanding things before I do it, if that makes sense.

Things I can think of to try,

  • Bar: I don't drink but I know that doesn't really matter. Do I just sit down on the bar table/normal table and try to talk to someone close by? I worry I wouldn't push myself to talk first and just drink some pop then leave. I've been to a bar maybe twice but those times I was with someone so we just sat at a table like any other restaurant really.

  • Coffee shops: I also don't drink coffee, but again I know that shouldn't really matter I would guess. I don't know how this one would really work either. People tend to be on their phones/laptops so I don't see much chance to meet others.

  • Clubs: I don't really do the dance/drink/loud environment I don't think this would work for me right now.

  • Casino: Not many around me, closest one is in an area with a huge elderly population. Next closest is over an hour. Also don't find enjoyment from burning money,

  • events: I've looked in my area but honestly, not much going on. Also I don't understand that site. I have tried requesting to a few events but always get declined, then the events you don't need to request just aren't my thing. Random seminars, volleyball, different language classes etc.

I don't really know what else I could do that gets me out and around people with the opportunity to meet new people. I don't need to meet a girl, just something to get me out of my house and out of my head.

Suggestion 1:

Stop turning things down because you aren’t into some aspect of it. You don’t have to drink at a bar. You don’t have to drink at a coffee shop. What you want is to talk to people in a relaxed environment, so go do that. Go to any relaxed environment and strike up a conversation on a topic that interests you. People not into the same stuff will weed themselves out and you’ll be left by yourself or with a potential friend. You must take on the initiating. Other people who already have plenty of friends can be cowardly and lazy. You can’t cause you don’t have anybody yet. Go meet people and collect the ones that are fun to hang out with and are up for hanging out with you. You got this brother. It’s a courage thing more than anything. It’s crazy. Cause no one likes to use courage if they can avoid it, but the upshot of using it is amazing. When you make a fool of yourself everyone forgets in a week because you just aren’t that important. If it works you make good friends that see you as a man that makes his opportunities instead of one that is waiting to be asked to dance. Go for it man. Courage!!!

Suggestion 2:

Stop Caring what is normal and give people the benefit of the doubt that they will get it. If someone at a different table is having an awesome conversation, jump in. Say some shit like “ excuse me, but I couldn’t help but notice you were discussing…… I happen to be big fan of that, mind if I join you?” People love meeting new people. They will let you join in. Most of us don’t wan t to be a dick, so they’ll let you jump into the convo.

Get people contact info that you click with and hit them up if you’re doing something fun.

I gather you are a generally smart dude. I am too. Folks like us can tend to see grey areas everywhere and so see the little spots where we may overstep our lane. Stop caring about that. Unless you’re about to hit on someone’s date, just be cool and kind to people. Share what you want, and express an interest in them. People love when someone finds them interesting. The biggest part is getting that brain out of your way. Most people are smart enough to get by, but don’t have the capacity for worry you have. Set that shit down and say “ hello” to people and give a compliment. You just need to get in the mix man. Don’t let your youth be swallowed up by worry. Seriously. Set out to go make friends with the understanding that you may make a fool of yourself. Accept it. And go. It won’t be nearly as bad as you think, and you’ll likely meet some good people. They’re everywhere.

Read this. Or listen. That’s what I do.

Now get out there and be somebody! You have nothing to lose but your loneliness. You will never have so little to lose again if you just courage up and get out there. Give it 6 months of actual effort to meet people with some common interests. HMU while you do it. I promise you will be so proud of yourself for overcoming this obstacle and you will learn so much. It’s worth it. It’s not easy, but living without friends isn’t either. Do it man.

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