This will sound weird, but why does my rudeness not affect people?

This will sound weird, but why does my rudeness not affect people?

Rudeness not affect people

I never noticed it until someone pointed it out for me, and now I’m having a weird realization. I’ve been reflecting on times where I said antagonizing things to people, roasted them, or was generally unprofessional at work/school in the way I talked with everyone. Yet no one seemed to take offense? Ever? I used to make fun of one of the strictest teachers in my high school and he used to laugh at it, say something snarky back…etc, but I know if anyone else talked to him like that they’d get in trouble. First week into my job I told the head department that his project planning structure is “peak boomer behavior” and he just laughed and said I should print that on a shirt? Next door to my office was a guy (I didn’t know his position, turns out he’s a seriously high ranking manager) who used to cuss on the phone. I wrote on the dry erase board in our office suite “days since Matt last cursed: 0” HE STARTED UPDATING THE SCORE AND THOUGHT IT WAS HILARIOUS. I started a martial art and the school master is a highly respected coach that won championships and trained military in three countries, everyone called him Master, revered him, and bowed to him. I accidentally called him homie once and would genuinely say things that raised eyebrows at him. Now he treats me like his daughter? I’ve gone my whole life thinking I’m a nice person but the more I think about it the more I see how my interactions with people were not very nice, yet I’ve never even been told off? I USED TO EMAIL MY PROFESSORS IN MEMES AND THEY LIKED IT?! For reference I’m 29, so it’s not like this is coming from a kid and it’s cute or anything. Idk if no one is taking me seriously, or if everyone secretly thinks I’m insufferable but plays along to shut me up

Suggestion 1:

If you consistently have a circle of people around you that you’ve know for a while, and you’ve been “rude” to them, yet they seem to still enjoy your company and don’t mind, I really don’t think people think you’re insufferable, they might even like that you bite every now and then.

As for the why, I think it has more to do not with what you say, but HOW it makes people feel. It’s like that thing where you can make fun of your friend, but if someone else does it just doesn’t hit the same. Maybe people don’t mind you being “rude” to them because you somehow make them feel that you are singling out the thing you are criticizing or commenting on, rather than them as a person. People don’t like to feel judged, so it’s entirely possible to point out one thing they do or say or whatever, but still not have it come across as “you’re lame”.

Like if you’re poking fun of someone’s shoes, it’s entirely possible that the way you say things, your words, your body language, whatever, might make them feel like you genuinely think the shoes are weird or funny, but in no way do you mean to upset or judge then, and they see that.

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