What is a social situation or something that other people do/say, that confuses you?

What is a social situation or something that other people do/say, that confuses you?

What is a social situation or something that other people do/say, that confuses you?

99% of us on here probably struggle socially, but none of us has had the same exact experiences and probably all have different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to talking to people. Because of that, I thought it would be a good idea for us to share one or two specific things that we need help with or help understanding, and others on here can reply and share their advice.

My thing I struggle with:

I have a difficult time understanding when someone is growing bored or annoyed by me, or if they are just tired/having a bad day and Im reading into it too much.

You want my thoughts? I know some people do struggle with upsetting people and not realizing it. But other people just seem preoccupied with it out of a fear of people being angry at them or disliking them. They're sensitive. Idk if this applies to you, but I think it does to a lot of people in this sub. Low self-esteem/anxiety is a bitch.

What is a social situation or something that other people do/say, that confuses you?

People without this sensitivity might note someone seems a lil annoyed and not have another thought about it. A mild inconvenience. Because really, people get a lil bored or irritated all the time, every day, and just deal with it themselves. They're fine. Surely you feel this way sometimes too and are fine, right. Feelings arise and then they go.

Imagine as well that people having a bad day will have less patience for your irritating qualities. What then? Does it affect your reaction if it's a personal problem that causes them to have a problem with you? They're gonna feel how they're gonna feel. Feelings are always coursing through us.

Personally, I'm sure I misinterpret people all the time - I'm just not aware of it lol. People do correct me a lot. But it's important to me to be unsure because I see how confident other people are, and they're wrong all the time. Our capacity to read people is always just a rule of thumb, a cognitive algorithm that can be wrong sometimes and is wrong a lot.

What is a social situation or something that other people do/say, that confuses you?

I'd rather try to maintain a neutral interpretation. People don't like it when people think they're upset or have a problem. They want to be able to tell you if they want you to know their inner world. Open-questions are the best. "How're you doing?"

For some reason, my brain often thinks that the other person mean what I have in mind.

For example, one month ago, I still think about this convo with my sister.

What is a social situation or something that other people do/say, that confuses you?

Me= * shows her funny deleted blooper where I was recording myself delivering a rehearsed presentation but our cat jumped and attacked me *

Sister= That's funny, did you send the video like that?? (She meant the cat)

Me= * had thought about the slides design all this time and not the cat interrumpting my speech, thought she meant the design which is an unrelated topic *= OF COURSE, I DID!

Sister= ...Okay.

My sister is strict about the quality of performance and efforts she gives to her job, and, therefore, expects the rest of others. In the past, she used to frown upon my mediocre work in some subjects in school, I'm just afraid I would've come across as a lazy. But man, am I a bit of a perfectionist and indeed rerecorded that more than once after the cat incident.

And also, I can perfectly spot if someone is being annoyed or mad at me but can't find the reason, sometimes, I take it as the other person's resting bitch face or reserve personality...or I'm just an acquatiance and receive the acquatiance treatment.

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